Power BI integration: Become BIRDS partner

Our vision is to initiate a Business Intelligence project with substantial business content. We work closely with your clients' key users, allowing us to start from an informed position rather than from scratch.

In today's fast-evolving technological landscape, staying updated is crucial. Developing a robust and maintainable solution on your own can consume a significant number of non-billable days.

Our team has crafted a data model using the latest proven Microsoft technologies, enabling you to benefit from day one.

Why partner with us

The added value of working with us.

Powerful Data Analysis

Power BI is a top platform for data analysis and visualization. Partnering with us equips your clients with advanced tools to extract valuable insights from their data, enhancing the Dynamics environment and reflecting positively on you as a Dynamics implementation partner.

Comprehensive Support

As a partner, you receive full support. We help you and your clients maximize the potential of Dynamics and other data sources, with our technical experts and BI consultants adding value to your implementation team.

Customer-centric Solutions

We understand each customer has unique needs. As a partner, you target specific vertical markets and tailor Dynamics to them. With BIRDS, we create custom reports and dashboards for your vertical, aligning with your applications so customers immediately see the added value.

Competitive Advantage

Partnering with us strengthens your competitive position. Offer your clients advanced data analysis solutions to elevate their businesses.

Growing your Business

The demand for data analysis and business intelligence is growing. Becoming a partner lets you capitalize on this expanding market and increase your revenue potential.

Get ready for AI

Investing in data quality is crucial for AI success. High-quality data ensures accurate, reliable insights, making your AI initiatives more effective and valuable. Prioritize data quality to maximize the potential of your AI projects from day one.

A selection of our partners

Partners who are leveraging BIRDS to empower their clients with Business Intelligence solutions


Become a partner

Ready to harness the power of data analysis and elevate your business?

Become a partner today and enable data-driven decision-making for your clients and your business.

We offer various forms of partnerships, from joint lead generation to becoming a fully certified implementation partner. 

We also have strong collaborations with Dynamics 365 ISVs, integrating their solutions into ours.